
Insto 是一個 C2C(個人對個人)分期付款平台,讓使用者透過線上分期付款直接做產品或服務的買賣。使用者可直接透過手機 APP 或網站,依照買賣雙方的需求,快速且彈性地自訂客製化的分期付款或定期定額等不同的付款方案。

Installments, Inc. 於 2013 成立,總部位於美國加州 San Jose,分部位於台灣台北市,主要營運以美國為主,台灣則為產品服務研發中心。欲瞭解更多資訊或註冊使用產品服務,歡迎至官方網站 https://ins.to。


Insto is a C2C internet payment service that allows users to buy or sell products and services in installments and scheduled payments. Payment plans are completely customizable and give greater flexibility for users to negotiate terms that fit their own individual needs.

Founded in 2013, Installments, Inc. is headquartered in San Jose with a branch office in Taipei, Taiwan. The majority of business operations is located in the U.S. while product development is centered in Taiwan. For more information or to sign up, please visit https://ins.to.



